Monday, May 18, 2020
Essay about The Myth of Rape Culture in America - 3167 Words
â€Å"Rape is as American as apple pie,†says blogger Jessica Valenti. She and other feminists describe our society as a â€Å"rape culture†where violence against women is almost invisible. According to feminists, films, magazines, fashion, books, music, and humor cooperate in conveying the message that women are there to be used, abused and exploited.(Kitchens, 2015) Rape culture, which was coined as a culture during the second wave of feminism during the early 1970’s and was, according to the encyclopedia of rape, â€Å"often used by feminists to describe contemporary American culture as a whole.†Rape culture, by definition though, is â€Å"a culture in which rape and other sexual violence (usually against women and gender diverse peoples ) are common†¦show more content†¦My inbox was instantly filled with hate-mail from feminists who were literally calling me every single name in the book while trying to inform me that I was a sexist. Mind you, all I had done was posted a list of things that women could do to protect themselves from being raped. Knowledge is power, I thought. Apparently, the tip-sheet that I shared was originally written by James Fenske, and he was concerned with the uprising of rape. Not as a sexual and sexist victimizing crime, but as a criminal act of violence. As he took it, with any other act of vi olence, rape was something to be defended against. So, he continued on, writing about things that women could do to protect themselves and gave little insights about the psychology of a rapist. The tip-sheet included when rapists attack, who they attack, and why they attack. By knowing all of these things, women are better prepared. Does this mean that women are helpless treasures that require constant male supervision? Absolutely not! Does this mean that it’s not a logically smart idea for a woman to walk around aimlessly or by herself in a place she is unfamiliar with at night? I think so. His tip-sheet coincides with my findings of FBI rape profiles and psychologist typology of rapists which are that most rapists strike at night, especially between the hours of 8 pm and 2 am, which are all prime-time â€Å"going-out†hours. It is also important to note that while rapists do pick specific targets, theyShow MoreRelatedAmerica s Thriving Rape Culture1492 Words  | 6 PagesAmerica’s Thriving Rape Culture America has a proud history of being a country that has many different ethnicities and cultures living within its borders. But one of the most prevalent cultures is one that transcends race or country of origin, rape culture. The term used by modern day feminist and gender activist defines a culture which normalizes rape and sexual assaults because of the deeply rooted societal attitudes towards gender and sexuality. 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