Sunday, January 26, 2020
Determination of Sodium Thiopental Using Gold Nanoparticles
Determination of Sodium Thiopental Using Gold Nanoparticles Development of a new colorimetric method for the determination of sodium thiopental using gold nanoparticles Sodium thiopental (sodium pentothal) is in a group of drugs called barbiturates.this barbiturate commonly used anesthetic induction agents in man and animals because recovery is rapid and it has the advantage of having very little or no side effects[1].It is used for intensive-care patients with head injuries to control convulsions and reduce raised intracranial pressure[2]. As a resultmonitoring of theserum concentrations is important in this patient population. Several analytical procedures have been reported for the quantitative determination of thiopental. Among these high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) are more popular. HPLC assays are not completely reliable, and do not have the short process-time required in most of the above-mentioned indications[3, 4]. other methods are available for determining thiopental including stripping voltammetry[5],membrane sensors[6],capacitive chemical sensor [7],gas chromatography (GC)[8],spectrophotometric and spectrophotofluorometric[9, 10]. Donald et al[11]reported that, after the usual 4.8 mg/kg induction doses, thiopental concentration in serum as a function of time varies between 10 mg/L to 25 mg/L during 50h.As stated before most of these currently used methods for sodium thiopental detection usually need expensive and complicated instruments and are time-consuming, making on-site and real-time thiopental detection difficult. Therefore, it is important to develop a simple reliable and hig hly sensitive method for on-site and real-time detection of sodium thiopental. Recently, gold nanoparticles (NPs) explored for metallic NP-based colorimetric detection have attracted considerable attention due to biocompatibility, stability, and high extinction coefficients[12]. gold nanoparticles present size-dependent optical properties owing to the surface plasma resonance(SPR)[12]. The color of the colloidal Au NPs can be readily and precisely changed via aggregation of Au NPs.Au NPs were widely applied in colorimetric detection of several analytes such as protein, DNA, metal ions and small molecules[ ]. In this study, we used gold nanoparticles as a colorimetric probe for sensitive and selective detection of sodium thiopental. The gold nanoparticles were prepared using the classical citrate method [12].thiopental on the surface of AuNPs displaced the stabilizing citrate ions because thiol group of sodium thiopental tends to readily adsorb onto the surface of colloidal gold via chemisorptions-type interactions. The thiopental capped Au NPs were stable at basic and neutral conditions .Puntes et al [13] have studied the stability of cationic gold nanoparticle bioconjugates as a function of pH and the presence of citrate in solution. The pH of an aqueous solution of thiopental-Au NPs was varied by direct addition of citrate buffer. the thiopental-Au NPs can be aggregated by adding certain amounts of citrate buffer due to the electrostatic attraction between amino group contained in thiopental molecular and citrate ion on the surface of Au NPs, the amino group of the thiopental would be positively charged at the given pH value and they would therefore interact electrostatically with the negative charges of the citrate molecules. Thus forcing the aggregation of the conjugated Au NPs and subsequently resulting in the color change from wine red to purple or blue color.So that we detected it by UV–Vis spectrophotometer and paptode techniques and contrast both methods.First time at 2004 paptode was developed in Dr. Abbaspour group for speciation of iron(II) and iron(III) and the full range pH monitoring [14]. Then it was used for the determination of dopamine [15], hydrazine [16]. In paptode, conventional à ¯Ã‚ ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å¡atbed -scanner (as a nondestructive detector) was used to acquire the analytical parameters for quantitative determination of analyte that occurs via colorimetric reaction. The estimated re à ¯Ã‚ ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å¡ection density, as an analytical parameter, is obtained from an area of the sensing zone of spots using the average Red (R), Green (G) and Blue (B) channel. Degrees of the color of the spots are found to be proportional to the concentration of the testedanalyte. Experimental section: Reagents: HAuCl4.3H2O, trisodium citrate and citric acid were purchased from Sigma. Thiopental was obtained from Biochemie (Kundl, Austria) and zinc sulfate purchased from Fluka All solutions were prepared with ultrapure water Apparatus and software: The colorimetric study of NPs were performed by means of a Shimadzu 1601PC UV–Vis spectrophotometer (Kyoto, Japan)from 300 to 700 nm. Also a Canon scanner were used to record the color changes in paptode technique. The paptode Cells were built by creation of the holes (i.d 1.5 cm) in the sheet of plexiglas (thickness 0.9 cm). We used by photoshop Cs6 software to convert the recorded pictures of color of cells to RGB (Red, Green and Blue) and L*a*b data. The morphology and size of the nanoparticles were characterized by a transmission electron microscope (TEM model CM10; Philips). The X-Ray diffraction (XRD) patterns were obtained by using a D8 ADVANCE type (BRUKER-Germany) with Cu-KÃŽ ± radiation (ÃŽ »= 0.1542 nm). Powder XRD patterns were taken in 0.02 ° steps at 1 s per step. All the experiments were carried out at room temperature(25  ± 2 C) Synthesis of citrate-stabilized Au nanocrystals: Nanoparticles of noble metal were prepared by classical citrate method[12].the10ml of 0.014M of trisodium citrate dehydrate solution was added quickly to the 100ml of boiling solution of 0.5mM of HAuCl4.3H2O under magnetic stirring. The stirring was continued until a dark red color was observed (around 20 min) and the maximum absorbance of AuNPs solution was centered at 520 nm Sample preparation: Fresh human blood samples (2.0 mL) were obtained from volunteers of the local hospital. After letting sample stand for 60 min at room temperature we centrifuged at 4000 rpm for 10 min. The supernatant was used as the source of the serum. We used zinc sulfate method as a deproteinization technique[]: we vortex-mix for 10s of the 10ml of serum sample and 150mg zinc sulfate, then we centrifuged the mixture at 3000 rpm for 20 min. The supernatant, which excluded protein, was used for further analysis. Procedures for the detection of sodium thiopental: In a typical detection of sodium thiopental, different amounts of thiopental solution were added to the above XmlAu NPs solutions at room temperature. we proceeded to study the behavior of the conjugated system by modifying the pH . To investigate the effect of pH of the buffer solutions on thiopental detection, 0.5 mL of 0.1 M buffer solution (citric buffer solution in the pH range of 3.0–6.0 ) was added in mixture of thiopental and Au NPs solution. The obvious color change was observed with the naked eye and the absorbance spectra and scanning images of the solution were recorded 1 min after the addition of citrate buffer. In spectroscopy technique ,The concentration of sodium thiopental was quantified by the absorption ratio (A670/A520). Results and discussion Citrate was chosen as the stabilizer for AuNPs because it is negatively charged, and can act as a stabilizingagent to disperse AuNPs in aqueous solutions. The Au NPs after synthesis showed a surface plasmon resonance (SPR) band at 405 nm (Fig. 1a). the addition of sodium thiopental doesn’t led to a color change of Au NPsin ultrapure water, although the thiol group of sodium thiopental tends to readily adsorb onto the surface of Au NPs.The pH of AuNPs solution in present of sodium thiopental is 10.2 and Puntes et al[13]reportedthat the presence of charged molecules insolution may induce NPs aggregation by bridging particlestogether. It was observed that multiple electrostatic interactions between the conjugates mediated by cross-linking species led to an effective strong bond and consequently to irreversible aggregation and precipitation. So that at the given pH value , charge of thiopental can be change and thenthe color of the colloidal thiopental-Au NPs can be changed to blu e (broad band above 600 nm).*Scrutiny of pH/Concentrate diagrams of citrate and thiopental shows that at the pH of between 5 to 7 , charge of citrate and thiopental can benegative and neutralfig S1. But when sodium thiopental add to AuNPs solution, the S- group in the sodium thiopental provides a strong affinity for gold. So that orbital of thiol group of thiopentalinvolved for Au NPs surface and when pH change from 10.2 to 6 , the amino group of the thiopental would be accepted H + and get positive charge. In present of excesscitrate at the pH of 6 , thiopental-AuNPscan be aggregated via electrostatic attraction between the citrate ions and the thiopental. So that in this study we used citrate buffer solutionfor control of pH( in the pH range of 3.0–6.0) and source of citrate (as a bridging factor). The aggregation mechanism of Au NPs is illustrated in Fig. 1. Optimization pH and time we proceeded to study the behavior of the conjugated system by modifying the pH( 7.1-5.4). The pH of an aqueous solution of0.00001M thiopental capped AuNPs was varied by direct addition of 0.05Mcitrate buffer to the solution andThe UV-Vis spectrum wasmonitored and the extinction ratio of absorbance at 600 nm to 420 nm (A600/A410) is plotted against the pH inFig. 3A. The thiopental-capped Au NPs were stable at basic and neutral conditions.When the pH of the solution was below the 6.4 , Au NPs agglomerated.the aggregation was solely due to the bridging citrate between the amine functionality.Onthe basis of this optimization experiment, the pH was set to 6.2 to achieve a best aggregationFig. 3A.When the pH was decreased immediately from 5.4 after the addition of the citrate buffer scatteringwasobserved.Fig. 3A illustrates theabsorption spectra of AuNPs at different pH value. At the concentration of sodium thiopental as 0.00001M, the extinction ratio ofA650/A520 at room temperatureexhibited a rapid increaseduring the first 1.5min,then increased gradually from 1 min to 18 min and then remained constantFig 3B. Thus, the detection time was chosen as 20 min. We choseto use the absorbance ratio at 500 and 600 wavelengths to quantify thecolor of the system,thecolor change at various sodium thiopental concentrations were monitored byUV/Vis spectroscopyfig4A.Quantitative analysis was performed by monitoringthe absorbanceat 1minute after the addition of citrate buffer Fig4B .The linear range, detection limit and reproducibilityof the method were evaluated under the optimumconditions.Thecalibration curve for sodium thiopental was linear in two ranges of( †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. To †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ and†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ to †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦) with correlation coefficients 0.9981 and0.9979, respectively. The Experimental detection limit has been obtained as 2 µM. The relative standard deviation(R.S.D.) for1.0Ãâ€"10−8M thiopental measurementwas2.7% (n=11)Fig4A .when thiopental concentrationincreased above 0.0005M, scattering was observed fig3B because thiopental polymerized white citrate molecule. So that we tried paptode techniques to resolve thisproblem FigS1. Although the higher concentrations of sodium thiopental was determined by paptode, but the limit of detection was rather high (LOD 10  µM) in comparison to the spectrophotometric method. The detailed procedure for sodium thiopental determination by the paptode method is explained in supporting information. To test the selectivity of the above method for sodium thiopental, we testing the response of the assay to some potential interference species and structurally similar to the sodium thiopental such as†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.in optimum condition and different concentration .the results areshown in bar diagramFigure 8 .red barsexhibit Color changes of the solution in thepresence of various interference species at concentrations of 10mMand bluebars exhibit Color changes in presence ofinterference species at real concentration in serum ( 1M cysteine, 2M†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦), The maximum absorption wavelength of AuNPs did notchange in the presence of the tested species, Except for cysteineat concentrations of 10mM. Therefore, AuNPs had good selectivity for sodium thiopental detection in optimum condition in the serum. Colorimetric detection of sodium thiopental in serum: To validate the reliability of the proposed method for sodium thiopental detection in real samples, The unknown amounts of thiopental were added to thethree different human serum samples before samplespre-treatment .Detecting of sodium thiopental in a serum is not easy because of the serum constituents.the color of the Au NPs was not stable by the addition of the blank serum. So that it mustdiluted ten times. As regardsthe calibration curve for detection thiopental by this methodand dilution of serum and thiopental concentration in serum as a function of time varies after the usual 4.8 mg/kg induction doses [] , we can detect sodium thiopental in human serumbefore 3 hour.samples were determined by both the AuNP-based method reported herein and the standard addition method. Satisfactory results and recoveries as shown in Table 2. The satisfactory results obtained indicate that proposed sensors can be applied to real sample assays. 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Saturday, January 18, 2020
BP Solar
BP has responded through its thin film photovoltaic cells designed to reduce manufacturing costs towards a level at which solar energy will become economically competitive compared with other energy sources. As BP's Energy Commission chairman stated: â€Å"Our goal is to eliminate the ‘Catch 22' faced by producers of renewable technologies†¦without the promise of volume sales, there is little incentive for a company to make the investments that could bring down costs and make these products commercially viable on a large scale†(Chambers, 1998, p. ). BP Solar has invested some $200 million in solar power between 1996 and 2002, which has helped it build an 18 percent market share. It has launched a large advertising campaign in the US where it puts renewable energy at the fore of its offering. However, this was heavily criticised by Fortune Magazine (2002) bearing in mind its renewable energy business was worth just $1 billion compared to BP's total value of ? 115% billion (Murphy, 2002). Like Shell Renewables, BP Solar does not state how it will innovate to achieve its goals. However, unlike Shell Renewables strategy of joint ventures and acquisitions, BP Solar implements its strategy simply through large investments into its own manufacturing processes. According to Porter (1985): â€Å"The essence of formulating competitive strategy is relating a company to its environment†(p. 3) in relation to the industry or industries in which it competes. This leads companies to choose one of three generic strategies – low cost, differentiation or focus – which will help them to form competitive, profitable positions within the industry. To understand the low-cost strategies that both SBUs adopted, a formal PEST and five forces analysis of the SBUs (see Appendices III and IV), the key drivers for change and critical success factors (CSFs) for the industry (Appendix V) are outlined. The major trends in the global and alternative energy industries are briefly explained.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Explain the European motivations for exploration and conquest of the New World Essay
The discovery of the New World happened to coincide with the spread of European power and culture around the known world. This spread was the result of various developments that had occurred, particularly the following: â€Å"the explosive growth of trade, towns, and modern corporations; the religious zeal generated by the Protestant Reformation and the Catholic Reformation;†1 as well as the usual reasons of â€Å"greed, conquest, racism, and slavery. †2 By the time of the 1400s, these and other forces combined to make Europeans search for new lands to conquer and settle, as well as for new people to convert, civilize, or exploit. 3 Columbus’ various voyages to the New World opened the door for more exploration and settlement of the New World. The first European power to make concerted efforts to explore the New World was Spain, and they had three distinct motives: to win over converts to Catholicism; to conquer land; and, to get rich. 4 Eventually following Spain were England and France, both of which had similar motives: to extend their empires into the New World, as well as profit from the establishment of colonies in the New World. Clearly, then, the ultimate goal of exploration and conquest in the New World was to increase power and wealth. 2. Explain the religious persecutions in England that pushed the Separatists into Plymouth and the Quakers into Pennsylvania. Explain how England’s Glorious Revolution also prompted changes in the colonies. The Separatists, also known as the Pilgrims, were forced out of England due to their religious beliefs. They were part of the â€Å"most uncompromising sect of Puritans†¦who had severed all ties with the Church of England. †5 They felt that the Church of England was not completely separated from the Catholic Church. Speaking out against the Church of England led to persecutions by King James I and Anglican officials. 6 The Separatists then fled to Holland, but while there, felt that their children were becoming too Dutch and straying from their staunch Puritan beliefs. As a result, they secured a land patent from the Virginia Company and in 1620, sailed to America. 7 The Quakers were the â€Å"most influential of many radical groups that sprang from†¦the English Civil War. †8 They carried further than any other group the doctrine of â€Å"individual spiritual inspiration and interpretation,†which they called â€Å"the inner light. †9 Doing away with many of the trappings of the Church of England, the Quakers embraced a simple way of life and were extremely pacifist. 10 This did not coincide with the ways of the Anglican Church, and thus, they were persecuted a great deal. They chose to leave England and settle in the New World, where they would be able to practice their beliefs without fear of reprisal. First establishing the colony of New Jersey, they soon migrated to the opposite side of the Delaware River and established the colony of Pennsylvania. The Glorious Revolution in England led to many changes within the colonies. The colonies that had been absorbed into the Dominion of New England – Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New York, and New Jersey – all reverted to their former governments. 11 They were also able to retain their former status, â€Å"except Massachusetts Bay and Plymouth, which†¦were united under a new charter in 1691 as the royal colony of Massachusetts Bay. †12 Another change was the passage of the Bill of Rights and the Toleration Act in England in 1689, both of which â€Å"limited the powers of the country’s monarchs and affirmed a degree of freedom of worship for all Christians, thereby influencing attitudes – and the course of events – in the colonies. †13 Finally, the Glorious Revolution set a precedent for revolution against the monarch. In other words, it laid the groundwork for the American Revolution, which would free the colonies from British rule. 14 5. Explain how and why the British won the French and Indian War. The French and Indian War was the last of four major wars involving the European powers and their New World colonies. 15 In this particular war, the cause of contention was upper Ohio River valley. Controlled by the French, they became irate when some Virginians moved into the territory to make trade with the Indians easier, as well as to survey land granted to them by King George III. 16 Attempts to warn off the French failed, and eventually warfare broke out in the disputed area. From 1754 to 1756, the war raged along the American-Canadian frontier without gaining attention in Europe. 17 From 1756 until the war ended, it would be merged with the Seven Years’ War in Europe. 18 The change in status of the French and Indian War coincided with a change within the British government. William Pitt became Prime Minister of Britain, and under his leadership, the British would defeat the French. Allied with the Indians, who wanted the French out of their territory, the British utilized their superior naval fleet to cut off French reinforcements and supplies to the New World. 19 The decisive point of the war was the Battle of Quebec in 1759. After two months of attempting to break French defenses, the British were able to find a path that allowed them to get closer to the French camp. In the battle that followed, the British routed the French, thus ending French power in North America. 20
Thursday, January 2, 2020
America s Regional Division Is One Of A Kind - 1114 Words
A majority of countries around the world are divided regionally, whether that be states or provinces, and Canada s regional division is one of a kind. Regionalism in Canada is more prevalent than anywhere else, and each region has a substantial amount of force and sway within Canada. The strength of regionalism in Canada stems from its federal government system, Canada s geological make-up, and the prominence of the Quebecois. In the context of Canada, â€Å"region†will be considered as the provinces within Canada. Regionalism is defined as â€Å"The theory or practice of regional rather than central systems of administration or economic, cultural, or political affiliation†(Oxford Dictionary). In the case of Canada, the central government is†¦show more content†¦13 ). The nation-wide impact of Quebec does not hold true for all regions, as they vary greatly, as the provinces within Canada cover a very large area of land. Canada is the second largest country in the world by land mass, yet it is the thirty-eighth most populous country in the world. What that ratio means is a significant distance between the concentrated masses of people in Canada and the available resources from province to province vary largely due to the considerable amount of land the provinces occupy. In British Columbia, the geological make-up consists of long coastal region, rainforests, and large mountain ranges, whereas the province directly next to it is composed of flat fields and numerous pockets of oil. The economy of each province thus relies on its natural resources, and the vast difference between each province puts even more importance on the functioning of their respective provincial government. The plethora of economic sources for each province is a lot to focus on for one central federal government. A provincial government can pay attention more closely on their respective economic sources, thus giving a provincial g overnment more power and importance. The regional economies created spur on cultures and lifestyles associated with it. Each individual province of Canada has its own unique culture and encompass otherShow MoreRelatedDnata case study780 Words  | 4 Pagesï » ¿ Dnata - Marketing Contents Introduction In Middle East area, Dnata is one of the largest air travel services supplier. It also has its services internationally. It provides services mainly in three foundations: Travel services, Ground Handling and Cargo. For these three divisions Dnata has specific business systems which include online booking. Worldwide Dnata operates 20 airports in nine countries for ground Handling. DnataRead MoreOrganizational Structure Of An Organization1085 Words  | 5 PagesAn organizational structure is a composition that specifies a company s hierarchical structure. 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